Laser hair removal is one of the most common nonsurgical cosmetic procedures performed at our dermatology offices. We are proud to use the advanced Cynosure® MPX Elite laser, the Icon™ laser, and the Rohrer® Spectrum laser for laser hair removal treatments in our offices. Our team of talented medical aestheticians offer safe, efficient laser hair removal that can save patients the time, energy, and money they would have spent shaving, waxing, or using other methods of temporary hair removal.

How it works

Historically, laser hair removal was effective for only a small group of individuals. However, in recent years, laser technology has advanced to treat a broader group of candidates safely and effectively. Candidates that have blond, white, gray or red hair cannot be treated since the laser cannot detect melanin in these individuals. People with darker, coarser hair and lighter skin tend to have the best results but all skin types can now be safely treated. Using the proper wavelengths, darker skin types can also see great results. People with tanned skin should wait a minimum of 3 weeks after their last exposure to sun or tanning beds before seeking treatment for laser hair removal. You will also want to avoid self-tanning products for 2 weeks prior to treatment. We can treat the face, underarms, arms, chest, back, legs and bikini area. We do not treat during pregnancy.

Energy is used to target and destroy hair follicles responsible for hair growth without damaging the surrounding skin. Specific wavelengths are matched with pulse duration allowing the best opportunity of effectively targeting the hair. Laser hair removal is only effective to hairs during the active growth phase. The process can take several sessions since the hairs are in active and resting phases throughout the month. Each area of the body has different active phases, so your appointment will be scheduled according to the area being treated.

What to expect

Before coming in for treatment, hair needs to be shaved in the area being treated. The patient will be given protective eyewear to put on in order to protect the eyes during the treatment. Some lasers require a gel or lotion to be applied. After treatment, the treated area can be red and, depending on the coarseness of the hair, you may have some swelling at the follicle for a few hours to a few days after treatment. You will notice that the hair will grow back slower and less dense after being treated. Typically, people will need 6-8 treatments in each area to achieve the desired results, but this varies per patient.