VOLBELLA® is the longest lasting FDA approved hyaluronic acid based filler used for lip augmentation. VOLBELLA® smooths the vertical lines on the lips and corrects the perioral rhytids, commonly referred to as perioral lines. This injectable filler, created by JUVÉDERM® , has been found to effectively increase lip fullness and soften the appearance of lines around the mouth with results lasting up to one year. VOLBELLA® treatments can be repeated to maintain results.

Individuals who desire to add subtle volume and lift to their lips can be good candidates for VOLBELLA® injections. VOLBELLA® injections result in a more youthful appearance and better lipstick and makeup application. VOLBELLA® is safe for all skin types and can be used to address the upper lip and/or lower lip.
What to expect
Following treatment, the effects of VOLBELLA® can be seen immediately. A topical numbing agent will be applied prior to injection. Patients may have tenderness, swelling, firmness, lumps/bumps, bruising, pain, redness, discoloration, and itching around the injection areas that could last several days to a week. The patient should refrain from strenuous activity for the first 24 hours after receiving an injection. Lips can appear smoother and fuller for up to one year after treatment.